Wednesday, September 22, 2010

L'universite francaise....

The most intimidating thing about taking classes in French is being the only one sitting in the auditorium not furiously taking notes. Sure, I could take notes, but that would require me missing everything being spoken by the prof during the time it took me to write anything down. I never realized before how amazing it is that in an english class you can be writing something down, thinking about what it is you are writing down, all the while still be listening to what a prof is saying. Incredible! So until French becomes a bit more natural for me, looks like I will have to endure a constant battle of listening vs. note taking.

Apart from the whole 'taking notes' situation, first few days of classes have been good. Had a Societe et Environnement class this morning (reminiscent of Geog101A mixed with EOS 110), which was amazing! I knew everything that was going on!  My Histoire de la litterature Francaise class (english translation: history of french literature) however, went not so well. Showed up, BARELY understood a word that was being said, and on top of that was given a reading list of 4 pages of books, and a course outline with 4 exams, and a final oral exam. Knowing that this would be a bit of a feat for erasmus students, the prof had set up a special 2 hour weekly session for us to keep up with the reading material, and our comprehension. Unfortunately, this meant answering pages and pages of reading comprehension questions every week. Not wanting us to get behind, the prof put the exchange students right to work. Class was on Monday, and for Wednesday I was supposed to have read a quite large portion of the bible AND another book AND answered 4 pages of questions. All in French. I think NOT. Am no longer in that class. :) This is the beauty of the school system here. As overwhelming and frustrating as it is to still not have a concrete schedule, it is nice to be able to 'try out' different classes to see which ones you like, and which ones will end up being the death of you. Hopefully by the end of the week I will have a good idea of what I'm going to be taking.

Not much else new over here. Just realized that in the time it took me to write this post, I have eaten half a bag of chips. Well done Sarah. Not only am I having to use every ounce of self control to not consume a million waffles a day, try to stay clear of the most delicious french fries on the planet, and avoid the dozens of boulangeries on my walk home from school, but now I have to worry about potato chips. Oh well!

Still miss everyone so much. Hope school is going well (or if not in school.. just hope all is well!).

A bientot.


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